The quick and easy way to get more 5 star reviews

This is how to get more reviews on Google

How to get more reviews on Google Banner

As local marketers we’re always being asked how to get more reviews on Google. This seems a simple enough question and before we start looking at ways of achieving this, it’s worth noting what’s actually being asked.

A couple of years ago the question may have been why do I need reviews or why are reviews so important. The fact that people now ask how to get more reviews on Google illustrates the switch in awareness and shows business owners understand they are a powerful asset and can have a huge impact on sales and local footfall.

Now, let’s get down to business and address the question of how to get more reviews on Google. The first thing to remember and yes, it seems very obvious is make sure you have a Google my Business page that’s set up correctly and that reflects your business and the services you provide. This is often overlooked and you’d be surprised by the number of businesses who don’t even realise Google has built them a page or that their page has vital information missing.

This is a subject in itself and well documented in our other blogs so let’s not get bogged down. Assuming you have a page and it’s set up correctly, the most important thing and never overlook this is ‘If you don’t ask you won’t get’.

Simply asking people for a positive review is the simplest and most effective way of building those all important reviews. Don’t be embarrassed to ask. After all, if you’ve done a great job and your customer is genuinely happy you deserve all the credit you can get.

Not sure what to say? Here are some good pointers (but obviously tailor them around your circumstances):

“Thanks for visiting us today – If you have been impressed with our service can I ask that you leave us a review on Google please”

“We’re currently asking all our customers for a review as it really helps us a local business”

“Please don’t keep us a secret – If you get a minute, please leave us a review on Google”.

This is a great start but having a way of prompting your clients to leave you a review is always a good plan. Personalized Review Cards cut out all the hassle of people having to search for your business on line and enables them to leave a review in seconds (each one contains a custom short-link and QR Code which takes people to your page there and then).

Putting up reminder signs can also help as it subtly primes customers and makes them more responsive to help when your pop the all important question.

If you have people working for you don’t forget to keep them on board with your plans too. Your team should also understand the importance of politely asking each and every happy customer for a review. Many of them are the ones directly engaging with your customers so make sure they have to tools and know how to work with your plan.

So now, when it comes to how to get more reviews on Google you know the answer – Keep things simple and always ask.. and keep asking!!

For more Ideas see the Review Cards Facebook page or scan through some of our hints and tips.